It's a wonderful autumn in Rothera, 2018

Published on: 2021-05-03

This gallery shows the more recreational side of the autumn at Rothera. The first of my winter trips as well as a shindig we put on in the Rothera garage. As we work hard, it's important to cut loose and have a break. The winter trips also provide the only respite from life on base for many, giving us an opportunity to go out and see the wider environment. It's a massive privilege to have been able to go out, especially with such experienced and lovely people.

If you've missed the last post you can find it here, or if you've been ever so unfortunate to have missed all of them you can start here!

Next post in the series now available here


Please do leave a comment. I'm moderating them manually for the moment and the Isso project I'm finding slightly experimental, but AMAZING nonetheless. I won't reset the comments database now though, so feedback will be valued!


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